A relazionare sugli interessanti argomenti oggetto dell’incontro e che si terrà presso la Sala Polifunzionale Comune di Pineto, a partire dalle ore 9.00, saranno il Comandante della Guardia Costiera di Giulianova T.V. ( CP) Alessio Fiorentino, il Comandante dei Carabinieri Forestali di Teramo Col. Luca Brugnola, la consulente Nazionale Alimentazione Dr.ssa Marianna Iasuozzi e il Comandante della Polizia Locale di Pineto Dr. Giovanni Cichella.
(A cura del Project Manager Rivista IPA Mauro Nardella)
The sea as a resource to defend; farm-to-table safety and controls to protect public health; the diet that saves the planet and the proximity police in controlling the environment are the topics that the Prosecutor of the Republic of Teramo Ettore Picardi will have the opportunity to moderate in an interesting meeting with the students of the Giovanni XXIII comprehensive school in Pineto, wanted by the IPA (International Police Association) of Giulianova, in concert with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Teramo, the Lions Club “Le Terre di Cerrano, the John XXIII Comprehensive Institute of Pineto and the City of Pineto. The Commander of the Coast Guard of Giulianova T.V. (CP) Alessio Fiorentino, the Commander of the Teramo Forest Carabinieri Col Luca Brugnola, the National Food Consultant Dr. Marianna Iasuozzi and the Commander of the Pineto Local Police Dr. Giovanni Cichella.
(Signed by Mauro Nardella Project Manager of the magazine of the International Police Association)